Welcome to IAMMADS DeCSS Site

I Just came across this program for getting rid dvd copy protection when you are ripping a

Here is info on it!

DVD uses a security method called the Content Scrambling System (CSS). CSS is a form of data encryption used to discourage reading media files directly from the disc without a decryption key. To descramble the video and audio, a 5-byte (40-bit) key is needed.

DeCSS uses DVD playback code found in software-based DVD playback utilities, like WinDVD, ATI DVD from ATI Technologies, and XingDVD. Every player has a DVD copy protection decoder for playback, just like the hardware decoder in DVD players from Toshiba, Sony, and other consumer electronics devices. The  utility emulates the same playback code but instead of displaying the video and audio to screen, it simply saves it back to the disk without encryption, since there is no encryption in playback.

Every player -- including consoles from Sony, Toshiba, and other consumer.

DeCSS is a tiny (60 KB) utility that copies an encrypted DVD file (which has a .VOB extension) and saves the file on a hard disk, minus the encryption. All that is required is a DVD-ROM drive (since CD-ROM drives can’t read the 4.7GB DVD movie discs) and a lot of disc space. The faster the CPU, the faster it will process the file.

Source Code (free)

Click Here for it



